Paul Jantzen

Paul Jantzen grew up in what would be described as typical Americana, and from an early age, he was fascinated with the art of storytelling. Paul loves captivating his audiences with his imagination and sense of humor. He took up filmmaking in college and his first short film, The Leopard Frog, debuted on the USA network in 1991. He then took up writing, a more budget favorable medium. Though he enjoys a good novel here and there, he was never big on reading so he wrote a book instead. Sour Apples is his award winning, debut novel. He has two more in this series of novels for those who hate to read soon to come. Paul finds himself at peace when he has delved his mind into his made-up world. He currently lives in Frederick, MD with his wife Marcia and German Shepherd Ella. Other than escaping reality through writing he enjoys the outdoors, woodworking and a good game of baseball.