americana storytelling | imagination | humor

Paul Jantzen

Author of

A Novel for Those Who Hate to Read

A New Approach to YA Readers

*these novels are solely intended to be enjoyed by anyone from the ages of 10 thru 117. Any use other than the intended purpose is not the responsibility of the author.


Book Signings~ Coming soon

Washington County Arts Council

34 S. Potomac St

Hagerstown, MD 21740

April 5 11:00am-3:00pm

Barnes and Noble Frederick

coming soon

“A realistic, visceral portrayal of a boy’s coming-of-age.” ~Kirkus Review

Hawthorne Prize 2024 Short List
Finalist Independent Author Awards
Literary Titan Book Award
Reader's Favorite Five Stars Award

Sour Apples

A Novel For Those Who Hate to Read

“Equal parts nostalgia, smooth prose, and good, old-fashioned story-telling! Author Paul Jantzen channels the mind of a ten-year-old boy, giving his adventures substance and emotional weight. A marvelous coming-of-age tale!”

~ Brian Kaufman, author of A PERSISTENT ECHO


“If reading is so great, then why are all the books at the library free?”

~Jimmy Hamilton.


Paul Jantzen

Paul Jantzen grew up in what would be described as typical Americana, and from an early age, he was fascinated with the art of storytelling. Paul loves captivating his audiences with his imagination and sense of humor.

About Paul »

From the Blog: If reading is so great…

  • How I Got into Writing

    I realize looking back, I always had a propensity for storytelling. I enjoyed the attention it brought to me, but most importantly I enjoyed observing others rivetted in something I had created.

  • Author, Writer, or Storyteller

    As a story teller develops his skills he may choose to venture into writing. The question may linger, however, what defines the level at which one can call themselves a storyteller, writer and even author.

  • What to Expect

    I was walking out to my pool when I got the news. A contract offer was in my inbox for the novel, Sour Apples. I could not believe it. My debut novel was good enough to attract a publisher’s attention. It will make it to print.